Our Story
Just two of us built over 90% of Finch’s with our own hands, from demo through design & running them when we first opened downtown in 2004. At first I could run Finch’s by myself, and I made the first half a million or so Finch’s cookies…which was never something I thought I’d do for a living (life’s funny that way), although I’ve enjoyed baking since I was a kid.
People say Finch’s feels authentically old. This is because we build like grandpa, same materials & techniques. Everything is built to last.
This is what Finch’s Market in Strathcona looked like when we took over.
Then we…
And then…salvaged any old wood that was solid. The lovely wood counter at the Market in Strathcona is made from any good old growth fir remaining in the floor joists, which were mostly shot and all had to be removed.
It was lovely building through the spring in Strathcona, which we discovered might be the friendliest neighbourhood in Vancouver…where just about everybody says hello or at least acknowledges each other going by. My family has lived all over Vancouver, the suburbs and up the coast for over a hundred years, where every generation works with our hands.
There are several reasons for the design choices. First, the vintage style is in keeping with heritage buildings. Using antique coolers, ovens, scales, and other machines isn’t just because they look nice…it’s because people could build machines and furniture that lasts decades & decades. Use of materials like salvaged old-growth wood is because the tighter wood grain on old trees is so much more durable. It’s ’circular economics’ like hippies do: be mindful of materials, create as little waste as possible, make the most of resources, and profit isn’t the only goal.
So glad Finch’s seems to make people happy. To me, it’s like a little bit of the gulf islands in the middle of the city. Finch’s was spontaneous. We were running a record store in the downtown building (yep..vinyl), I was teaching, and we were both performers (him music, myself, technical juggler) (yes that’s a thing)…and the landlord offered us the corner space at Homer & Pender (which was trashed) with reasonable rent (because it was trashed). So Finch’s was meant to be a side hustle…and then…surprise…we immediately had twins! Hurrah.
Finch’s makes it possible for me to be a full-time parent and also full-time at work, which is as busy as it sounds, but as an artist and parent, I’m so grateful running a small business makes my time flexible. I’ve run Finch’s since we opened in 2004, and the attention to detail is because this is how I support my family…who I like a lot. In return I’ve tried to make spaces Vancouver can be comfortable in and proud of.
Finch’s menu was inspired by the best sandwich I ever ate…in Paris. From a little nondescript shop… where I got a baguette with cheese, lettuce, tomato, and onion… that was one of the best things I’ve ever eaten. So simple – every ingredient was fresh & great quality.
Our staff are mostly artists (who else would make your food look like that?), and Finch’s offers a stepping stone on their way to larger dreams. Every time you tip you are supporting local musicians, graphic artists, dancers, writers, and students…it’s not easy to afford to live in Vancouver and your tips are really appreciated.
A few things I learned building Finch’s…people like symmetry and when design elements are compatible. You can treat something as big as a reno as one giant art project. End of the day, the people and relationships are the most satisfying part.
My family & I thank you ❤